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For many people, the first thing they think of when they see the title of this blog post is "Oh my God, what am I doing? Does it matter?" It does matter, and this is why. Owaziyo has not written a book for you or I or anybody else; he wrote it for himself. He had something to say; he said it; he wrote it down. What makes me confident that his novel deserves our attention is that it isn't an exercise in style like Poe's "The Raven" or rich in metaphors like Frost's "The Road Not Taken. It is a novel; the best one I've ever read (and I've read about six, and they were all American). The story of the novel is simple: a man named Zakariya visits Africa, and he talks to an older man who has been there. What's remarkable about the book is that this doesn't sound like much of a story—and if you do it in movie form, it would be intolerable— but Owaziyo does it in such a way that you feel like you're watching your life. The entire book consists of two men sitting down and talking for hours on end. It is abundantly clear from the start that Zakariya has a problem, and it is revealed slowly, as he accumulates problems. In the end, it becomes clear that he has been irresponsible. It is a novel about coming to terms with responsibilities. To call this book a short novel would be misleading; it is a long book, but the length comes from how well-written it is. I read it in one night, and it took me an hour. Although the book is slightly over two hundred pages, it is more than that; it takes you on a journey. I would recommend this to anybody; I am not exaggerating when I say that Owaziyo Zulu's novel is the best thing I've ever read. It is more than just a book; it is an experience. Read it with an open mind, and you'll come out thinking of new ways to organize your life. You'll start doing things for reasons other than because you want to or because you think you should; you'll start doing them because they're right . Kudela Owaziyo Zulu Novel Pdf Download Owaziyo has not written a book for you or I or anybody else; he wrote it for himself. He had something to say; he said it; he wrote it down. What makes me confident that his novel deserves our attention is that it isn't an exercise in style like Poe's "The Raven" or rich in metaphors like Frost's "The Road Not Taken. It is a novel; the best one I've ever read (and I've read about six, and they were all American). The story of the novel is simple: a man named Zakariya visits Africa, and he talks to an older man who has been there. cfa1e77820